Two days ago, I have posted something on my social media that I am about to address right now. You might be wondering why I had to write this as a blog while in fact I could just address it on my social media wall. But deep within me, I want to share what I am about to say not only to my friends and readers who connected with me via social media. I would like to share this even to readers who may not even be a subscriber to this blog or may not even know me, but may accidentally read this blog. I want to share this piece of my small mind, so that no matter how small I may seem, I could somehow ignite some positivity, or somehow inspire others.
I had my first and only baby on 2007 and that was the time when I felt differently about the world. I had to resign from my job to take full care of my family. Of course, I was and still a happy contented wife and and a doting mom, but there were times when I missed my job, I missed interacting with others aside from my family. A woman who had full time job after graduating from college and suddenly needing to resign and stay full time at home can understand me well... And for those that may not, that will be a subject that I would gladly share with you for next time.
The year 2007 was the time when the internet was finally so easy to access even in the comforts of our own home. So, there I was... trying to find ways to burn my extra energy after taking care of my baby and when he is sound asleep. I was browsing the web on that day in 2007 when suddenly I had the urge to make hand crafted bracelets and printing T-shirts that I designed. I started sharing their pictures on Friendster then suddenly a friend of mine asked if I was selling them. It was not my intent to sell but that has given me the idea that I would enjoy selling my crafts on the web and so I did and had been an online seller since then.
So many things have happened from then, I was enjoying and still enjoying my own online selling business and even started blogging on 2009, even though I have low earnings I am always happy whenever my clients are happy and contented with what I had to offer.
At this point, I know you are hating me... lol! Because by now, you might be curious of what I shared on my wall two days ago. I would not show a screen shot on my blog for that post because I am not really sure if the company I am connected with would allow me to. But that post is connected with my production rate at my new venture as a Licensed Financial Advisor. Yes, the post was something great, something that could make you curious how a first timer Financial Advisor who stays all the time at home could somehow have a production that could inspire her boss to give her credit and to applaud her on social media. So many of my friends are asking how I did it, most especially that the pandemic has truly put a burden on us all, and to think that I am a "pandemic baby" as a Financial Advisor. Yes! I started this FA venture last March 12, 2020, and our place was on lock-down last March 15, 2020.
First and foremost, as an online seller and now also as an FA (Financial Advisor), there is one thing that we should put in mind when we try to sell something no matter what it may be, and no matter how much it cost- ALWAYS learn first IF WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO SELL WILL BENEFIT YOUR CLIENT not just basing on what they need but also basing on things that will make them realize how much they need it even in the days to come. There may be some impulsive buyers who will just buy right away, but they will not come back once their elated shopaholic nature has passed. But if you sell these impulsive buyers with something that they may have impulsively bought and later on realize that what you offer is a great need even for their future, they will keep coming back.
Secondly, NEVER SELL products that you do not believe in, nor do you promote a company that you do not put your faith into just for the sake of making money. Offer the products and company that you trust and have first hand experience with.
Another thing is BE KIND ENOUGH TO KEEP IN TOUCH with your clients, NEVER EVER FORGET that you owe them an after sale care. Especially if you are a Financial Advisor like me, you always... ALWAYS NEED TO be an advocate for your clients' needs which are connected with what you have sold them. Never leave them alone. As an FA, you MUST BE AUTOMATICALLY BE A PART OF THEIR LIFE and be there when their need of you arises. Later, you would also realize that the clients that were satisfied with your services are the same clients who refer you to other prospective clients in the future.
One thing more to never forget, have the habit of giving time and listening to your boss who serves as your mentor. Be open minded and make time for continuous learning. Honestly, I am guilty when it comes to the learning at this point in time due to busy schedules, but I know that learning much more will give us more room to grow.
And lastly, like all businesses, always give specific time to do your business. When it is time to do it, even when you are home based, keep that time strictly for it. Do it whole heartedly and never let any destructions ruin your schedule doing it. Learn to love what you do. Because in the real world, you cannot always have the luxury of choosing to do what you love.
Also keep in mind that in doing any business, even your own, TEAM WORK is ALWAYS A NECESSITY. The progress and achievements of one is an achievement of the whole team. So even if your name is the only one that is applauded, always keep in mind who were there when you were struggling to achieve something. Always be grateful to people who are always there to support you and always include them in your prayers, mention them to others who look up on you. Tell others how these supportive people have touched your life. Be a blessing to people who bless you with their knowledge, skills, positive energy, and lose their sleep just to help you out.
I am not really an expert on doing business online nor I am an expert as an FA but I hope that somehow we all realize that ALL BUSINESSES THRIVE because of one strong reason, WE SELL NOT JUST TO EARN BUT ALSO TO ENHANCE THE LIFE OF PEOPLE WHO TRUSTED US ENOUGH to invest and buy our products. I am not a constant outstanding Financial Advisor, I also had zero months but I make it a point to always listen to my mentors, and work hard as I pray harder. Always have the heart to focus on what your client can get from what they buy from you, never focus on how much you will earn, because God knows what is in your heart. He rewards abundantly those who know the value of being humane even in businesses that we deal with. When we treat our clients like our family, and make them happy, all else, even wealth will follow.
Thanks again, for spending time with this blog. Just sharing to inspire and NOT TO BRAG, because I know there is nothing to brag about. You may see me on social media with those certificates sometimes, but always know that behind all those you see are struggles and pains. I've had so much rejections and rudeness from other people just like any seller or FA could have known. And there are so many great online sellers and Financial Advisors out there who are far better than me, and much more deserving to share their habits. I hope to feature some of them on this blog someday.
Have a blessed day and stay healthy!
*Erratum: Pardon me for the spelling of "FINANCIAL" which was mistakenly encoded as "Finacial" on the link. Thank you.
Love this blog very inspiring!