Friday, April 16, 2021

Are YOU Going To QUIT?


Source: Image courtesy of Danilo Rizutti
 I was looking into my “memory” box, the one that I’ve been keeping since I was 9. It is where I kept images of friends and love ones, letters and simple notes that have touched my life in many ways that has somehow became one of the biggest reasons why I am what I am today.

Of all the many simple tokens, one has put so much tears to my eyes as I reminisce the past. It is a book mark given to me by my mom. On it is a beautiful piece of poetry entitled, “DON’T QUIT” written by an anonymous person.

Although, most of us may already know the poem, let me share it with my readers in the form of this slide show.

Are you going to quit now?.... 

The poem has touched my life so tremendously, especially during the most difficult times, when I felt like the world had turned its back on me.

We all have our share of the best and the worst. And at times when we have to struggle and climb our own mountains, there is a point when we just want to leave what we have to face alone and just leave everything behind. As if we would just like the world to stop. We sometimes try to stop our own little world to revolve expecting that the whole world would follow, and yet, as we open our eyes to what is real, the world turns around as it should no matter how we try with tears in our eyes to stop it.

For so many reasons, giving up would be so good to do. And yet, if we try to think more deeply, there could just be total void in our life if we choose to give up. There is always uncertainty in keeping on but it is far better to continue struggling looking for what’s next than to give up and grope in the dark knowing that in the middle of uncertainty, one has not given himself A CHANCE to try harder to achieve what he is hoping to happen.


I want to share this story which may become a reason why one should choose to hold on. This is a true to life struggle by a man that everyone may even know. And honestly, I read his story every time failures overcome me.

William: The Candle and Soap Maker

William was a young boy who had to leave his home at the age of 16 because his father could no longer afford to take care of their family’s needs. All his family knew was to make homemade candles and soaps that they try to sell at the market. If they were lucky, they could bring home some food for the day for the whole family, but most of the time they were not that lucky enough. If he stayed home, he might just be an extra “workload” for his family, so he decided to leave.

*As he left home, he met an old neighbor who asked him where he was going, and he just said, “I do not know. But my father is too poor to keep me at home and I already need to make a living for myself.” The old man said, “There is no trouble with that, be sure you start right, and you’ll get along fine.” William told him that the only trade he knew was soap and candle making. The old man said, “Well, let me pray with you once more and give you a little advice, then I’ll let you go.”

They both kneeled down in silent prayer and after that, the old man gave his advice: *”Someone will soon be the leading soap maker in New York. It can be YOU as well as ANYONE. BE A GOOD MAN, GIVE YOUR LIFE TOTALLY TO CHRIST, AND PAY THE LORD ALL THAT BELONGS TO HIM BEGINNING WITH YOUR TITHE WITH EVERY DOLLAR YOU EARN. Make an HONEST SOAP, give a FULL POUND, and I’m certain, you will yet be a prosperous and rich man.”

William went to the city but it was difficult for him to land a job as he was only 16 and he is not educated. He remembered his mother’s and his old friend’s advice to SEEK GOD AND GIVE HIS LIFE TO HIM. Soon he landed a job that gave him a very low salary, yet he NEVER FAILED to give GOD his portion. Soon, he found regular employment and became a business partner. In a few years time, he became the sole owner of his own business.

As he became prosperous and richer, he never forgot his promise to never stop giving what is due to GOD and to dedicate his whole life to HIM. He made an HONEST SOAP, and even instructed his book keeper to open a bank account solely for GOD.

William truly prospered, he and his family was so blessed not only with material wealth but with the chance to spend all the time to be together again. William is now a very famous man… he has made his name a word that will never fail to ring a bell, because he is WILLIAM COLGATE, now a household name!

Never give up… never lose hope…

“Sometimes, I go about pitying myself… and all the while I am being carried across the sky by BEAUTIFUL CLOUDS…” (Ojibway Indian Expression)

There could never be any doubt for the arrival of success to people who never stop dreaming and working for their dreams to come true as long as they never stop walking hand in hand with GOD as they walk their own road of struggles. One should never put in his head his own inadequacies and limitations. For in HIM, there could never be an impossible thing to those who never stop trying hard to achieve their dreams. Dreams do come true to those who never quit and at the same time put all their faith in GOD that HE WILL ALWAYS BE THERE TO LIGHT THEIR PATH IN THEIR DARKEST NIGHTS. It is a fact that we are more blessed to realize how God lovingly keep us in his care in our most trying times. That as we look back to our stormiest days, we realize that these were the days that we’ve been taken cared of a million more times by the ONE WHO WILL ALWAYS BE THERE IN OUR BEST AND WORST. It is a sad reality that we fail to realize all these things when our own storms overcome us.

Never give up, because it is not really the outcome of what we do that makes us a true winner. It is how we deal along with life as we struggle for our dreams to come true that truly makes us a better and sturdier person. It is what really makes us a winner. After all, it is better to fail trying hard to achieve our dreams than to fail because we never tried. 

Here's another short story of a TRUE WINNER... 


In 1992, DEREK REDMOND became so popular and from then on looked upon by many. Not because he became a champion in the Olympics but because of how he managed his own fight.



As I closed my “memory” box, my eyes were filled with tears knowing I am blessed all the time. In most of my life’s struggles, these simple reminders have made me so sturdy enough to face the world. Thanks to the people who came into my life and left footprints that will always be a part of my very soul. Thanks most of all to HIM who walks with me all the days of my life. Deep in my heart, I know why I NEVER AND WILL NEVER GIVE UP.Thanks to the people who were always there to teach me what to do when I want something... and that is TO GET IT WITH STURDY SELF ESTEEM, WITH AN HONEST HEART AND MIND, AND WITH AN UNFALTERING FAITH IN HIM.

"....Don't ever let anybody tell you that you can't do something, NOT EVEN ME... You have a dream, you gotta protect it... if you want something, GO GET IT... PERIOD." (Will Smith, "The Pursuit of Happyness")


There are few things that I learned from REAL WINNERS, they are:

  • To NEVER LOSE HOPE even if one has to grope in the dark.
  • To STAY DETERMINED no matter what road one is taking.


... I think I am about to watch "The Pursuit of Happyness" for the nth. time =)

Copyright by DjBryle, 2011 (Originally published by yours truly at HubPages)

*("365 Moments To Cherish" by Robert Strand)






Thursday, December 10, 2020

I Am A "Pandemic Baby" Financial Advisor

Hello there! I know it's been more than 2 months since my latest blog. Been so busy lately and here I am finally about to share moments with you again. 

Two days ago, I have posted something on my social media that I am about to address right now. You might be wondering why I had to write this as a blog while in fact I could just address it on my social media wall. But deep within me, I want to share what I am about to say not only to my friends and readers who connected with me via social media. I would like to share this even to readers who may not even be a subscriber to this blog or may not even know me, but may accidentally read this blog. I want to share this piece of my small mind, so that no matter how small I may seem, I could somehow ignite some positivity, or somehow inspire others.

I had my first and only baby on 2007 and that was the time when I felt differently about the world. I had to resign from my job to take full care of my family. Of course, I was and still a happy contented wife and and a doting mom, but there were times when I missed my job, I missed interacting with others aside from my family. A woman who had full time job after graduating from college and suddenly needing to resign and stay full time at home can understand me well... And for those that may not, that will be a subject that I would gladly share with you for next time.

The year 2007 was the time when the internet was finally so easy to access even in the comforts of our own home. So, there I was... trying to find ways to burn my extra energy after taking care of my baby and when he is sound asleep. I was browsing the web on that day in 2007 when suddenly I had the urge to make hand crafted bracelets and printing T-shirts that I designed. I started sharing their pictures on Friendster then suddenly a friend of mine asked if I was selling them. It was not my intent to sell but that has given me the idea that I would enjoy selling my crafts on the web and so I did and had been an online seller since then.

So many things have happened from then, I was enjoying and still enjoying my own online selling business and even started blogging on 2009, even though I have low earnings I am always happy whenever my clients are happy and contented with what I had to offer.

At this point, I know you are hating me... lol! Because by now, you might be curious of what I shared on my wall two days ago. I would not show a screen shot on my blog for that post because I am not really sure if the company I am connected with would allow me to. But that post is connected with my production rate at my new venture as a Licensed Financial Advisor. Yes, the post was something great, something that could make you curious how a first timer Financial Advisor who stays all the time at home could somehow have a production that could inspire her boss to give her credit and to applaud her on social media. So many of my friends are asking how I did it, most especially that the pandemic has truly put a burden on us all, and to think that I am a "pandemic baby" as a Financial Advisor. Yes! I started this FA venture last March 12, 2020, and our place was on lock-down last March 15, 2020. 

First and foremost, as an online seller and now also as an FA (Financial Advisor), there is one thing that we should put in mind when we try to sell something no matter what it may be, and no matter how much it cost- ALWAYS learn first IF WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO SELL WILL BENEFIT YOUR CLIENT not just basing on what they need but also basing on things that will make them realize how much they need it even in the days to come. There may be some impulsive buyers who will just buy right away, but they will not come back once their elated shopaholic nature has passed. But if you sell these impulsive buyers with something that they may have impulsively bought and later on realize that what you offer is a great need even for their future, they will keep coming back.

Secondly, NEVER SELL products that you do not believe in, nor do you promote a company that you do not put your faith into just for the sake of making money. Offer the products and company that you trust and have first hand experience with. 

Another thing is BE KIND ENOUGH TO KEEP IN TOUCH with your clients, NEVER EVER FORGET that you owe them an after sale care. Especially if you are a Financial Advisor like me, you always... ALWAYS NEED TO be an advocate for your clients' needs which are connected with what you have sold them. Never leave them alone. As an FA, you MUST BE AUTOMATICALLY BE A PART OF THEIR LIFE and be there when their need of you arises. Later, you would also realize that the clients that were satisfied with your services are the same clients who refer you to other prospective clients in the future.

One thing more to never forget, have the habit of giving time and listening to your boss who serves as your mentor. Be open minded and make time for continuous learning. Honestly, I am guilty when it comes to the learning at this point in time due to busy schedules, but I know that learning much more will give us more room to grow.

And lastly, like all businesses, always give specific time to do your business. When it is time to do it, even when you are home based, keep that time strictly for it. Do it whole heartedly and never let any destructions ruin your schedule doing it. Learn to love what you do. Because in the real world, you cannot always have the luxury of choosing to do what you love. 

Also keep in mind that in doing any business, even your own, TEAM WORK is ALWAYS A NECESSITY. The progress and achievements of one is an achievement of the whole team. So even if your name is the only one that is applauded, always keep in mind who were there when you were struggling to achieve something. Always be grateful to people who are always there to support you and always include them in your prayers, mention them to others who look up on you. Tell others how these supportive people have touched your life. Be a blessing to people who bless you with their knowledge, skills, positive energy, and lose their sleep just to help you out.

I am not really an expert on doing business online nor I am an expert as an FA but I hope that somehow we all realize that ALL BUSINESSES THRIVE because of one strong reason, WE SELL NOT JUST TO EARN BUT ALSO TO ENHANCE THE LIFE OF PEOPLE WHO TRUSTED US ENOUGH to invest and buy our products. I am not a constant outstanding Financial Advisor, I also had zero months but I make it a point to always listen to my mentors, and work hard as I pray harder. Always have the heart to focus on what your client can get from what they buy from you, never focus on how much you will earn, because God knows what is in your heart. He rewards abundantly those who know the value of being humane even in businesses that we deal with. When we treat our clients like our family, and make them happy, all else, even wealth will follow.

Thanks again, for spending time with this blog. Just sharing to inspire and NOT TO BRAG, because I know there is nothing to brag about. You may see me on social media with those certificates sometimes, but always know that behind all those you see are struggles and pains. I've had so much rejections and rudeness from other people just like any seller or FA could have known. And there are so many great online sellers and Financial Advisors out there who are far better than me, and much more deserving to share their habits. I hope to feature some of them on this blog someday.

Have a blessed day and stay healthy!

*Erratum: Pardon me for the spelling of "FINANCIAL" which was mistakenly encoded as "Finacial" on the link. Thank you.😊💚🙏


Sunday, September 6, 2020

NEVER Judge Your Brother's Battle Within


September is Suicide Prevention Month. Loving someone means making them feel a sense of belongingness even at their darkest moods. Not all sense of doom can easily be programmed by thinking positively. There is something that is deeper and DARKER than loneliness, called DEPRESSION. 
Factors that may predispose a person to be depressed, include the following:
  • Death or loss of a loved one - this may cause so much grief to the point where the body could no longer tolerate. Grief can alter the production of hormones, and in this case our feel bad hormones may become so abundant causing us to be depressed.
  • Abuse - a person who was physically, emotionally, or sexually abused in the past, has a high vulnerability to clinical depression later in his/ her life.
  • Conflict - Personal conflicts or disputes with family members or friends, may make one vulnerable to be depressed.
  • Major events or any memorable events, good or bad. Even good events such as having a new job, marrying the man/ woman of your dreams, can cause depression as much as losing a job, retiring, money problems, or getting divorced. But keep in mind that clinical depression is never just a "normal" response to stressful life events. Depression is much deeper than sadness and loneliness.
  • Genetics - family history of depression may increase the risk. According to studies, depression is a complex trait, which means that there are probably many different genes, each exerting small effects, rather than a single gene that contributes to disease risk. The genetics of depression, like most psychiatric disorders, are not as simple or straightforward as in purely genetic diseases.
  • Medications that has side effects that could cause depression. 
  • Personal problems such as social isolation due to other mental illnesses or being an outcast from your own family or social group.
  • Terminal illnesses such as cancer and other serious illnesses such Diabetes Mellitus, and other incapacitating illnesses may cause depression due to feelings of worthlessness and the fear of not having enough resources to gain back one's health, or worst, fear of dying and being alone. Sometimes depression can co-exist with major illnesses or may be triggered by another medical conditions such as Adenomyosis due to hormonal alterations that can cause the increase of feel bad hormones.
  • Substance abuse. People with substance abuse problems also have major or clinical depression. Drugs or alcohol may temporarily make you feel better, they are also known to cause one to have depression in the long run.
These are just a few of the causes of depression. But whatever the cause may be, NEVER JUDGE ANYONE WHO IS DEPRESSED. DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS WHEN THEY FEEL THAT WAY, BECAUSE YOU NEVER WERE GIVEN THE CHANCE TO WALK IN THEIR SHOES. We react in myriad ways, JUST BE THANKFUL IF YOU FEEL COURAGEOUS ALL THE TIME AND NEVER JUDGE THE DEPRESSED. Just be thankful if "YOU CAN JUST SNAP OUT " of your loneliness at any given point in time. Because in all of life's realities, THEY ARE MUCH MORE COURAGEOUS THAN WE PERCEIVE THEM TO BE. Having the ability to BATTLE WITH DEPRESSION and bounce back and forth takes much more than a SUPER MAN COURAGE TO SURVIVE EVERYDAY. 
Understanding DEPRESSION


Thursday, August 6, 2020

Rainbows, Happiness, Dorothy and The Fish (Are YOU STILL SAD?)

Somewhere Over the RAINBOW

Who could ever forget this song which became so popular because of the classic movie “The Wizard of Oz”? Everyone who has read the book and watched the film would really appreciate this song so much and would truly remember DOROTHY.

Originally "The Wizard of Oz" (a.k.a "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz") is a children’s novel, authored by L. Frank Baum and was published in1900. Since then, it has then been reprinted a million times. In 1902, it was played on stage and eventually was filmed in 1939. It remained a very popular fantasy film for many years. This paved way to popularize the name DOROTHY because it was the name of a girl who is the center of the story.

This film was well loved by many, maybe (or surely) because of the after taste that it leaves in the hearts of those who have read or watched it. I, myself have loved the story so much that I would love to share it to my son when the time is right.

A short review of "The Wizard of Oz".... and DOROTHY

Dorothy is a girl who lived with her Uncle Henry, Aunt Em, and little dog Toto in Kansas. She always wished to just go away and have her own life with her dog. At that time, she did not appreciate the goodness of her own home.One day the farmhouse, with Dorothy and Toto inside, is caught up in a tornado and found themselves in a field in the Land of Oz. The falling house kills the ruler of the Munchkins, who is the Wicked Witch of the East.

The Good Witch of the North came to welcome Dorothy and gave her the Silver Shoes that the Wicked Witch of the East was wearing when she was killed. In order to return to Kansas, the Good Witch of the North told Dorothy that she will have to go to the "Emerald City" and ask the Wizard of Oz to help her.On her way,Dorothy freed a Scarecrow from the pole he is hanging on, restored the movements of the rusted Tin Woodman with an oil, and encouraged them and the Cowardly Lion to journey with her and Toto to the Emerald City. The Scarecrow wanted to get a brain, the Tin Woodman a heart, and the Cowardly Lion, courage. They all believed that the Wizard can help them. Together, they overcame all obstacles along the way.

When they arrived at the Emerald City, they are asked to use green eyeglasses by the Guardian of the Gates. The wizard showed himself in different ways every time he appeared to someone. To Dorothy, the Wizard is a giant head;the Tin Woodman saw a ravenous beast; the Cowardly Lion saw a ball of fire and the Scarecrow saw a beautiful woman. The Wizard agreed to help each of them, in one condition that one of them must kill the Wicked Witch of the West who rules over the Winkie Country.

As the friends traveled across the Winkie Country, the Wicked Witch sends wolves, bees, crows and her soldiers to attack them, but they managed to conquer them. Then, using the power of the Golden Cap, the Witch summons the Winged Monkeys to capture all of the travelers.

The Wicked Witch got one of Dorothy's silver shoes, Dorothy got angry and grabbed a bucket of water and splashed it on the Wicked Witch, who begun to melt. The Winkies rejoiced for being free from the witch, and they helped to reassemble the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman. The Winkies love the Tin Woodman, and they asked him to become their ruler, and he agreed and promised to come back after helping Dorothy to go home.

When Dorothy and her friends met the Wizard of Oz again, he did not want to talk to them anymore. And with the help of fate, Toto accidentally tipped over a screen in a corner of the throne room, revealing the Wizard to be an old man who had journeyed to Oz from Omaha long ago in a hot air balloon.

The Wizard provided the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion with a head full of bran, pins, and needles, a silk heart stuffed with sawdust, and a potion of "courage", respectively. Not knowing that these items were really useless, it caused a "placebo" effect on them and has helped them to go on with their journey. In order to help Dorothy and Toto get home, the Wizard realizes that he will have to take them home with him in a new balloon, which he and Dorothy made. Revealing himself to the people of the Emerald City one last time, the Wizard appoints the Scarecrow, by virtue of his brains, to rule in his stead. Dorothy chases Toto after he runs after a kitten in the crowd, and before she can make it back to the balloon, the ropes break, leaving the Wizard to rise and float away alone.

Dorothy became hopeless and thought that she can't go home but The Soldier with the Green Whiskers informed her about Glinda the Good Witch of the South. Together, with her dog, they escaped the obstacles but almost losing Toto along the journey to Glinda's home.Glinda eventually told Dorothy that she had the power to go home. Dorothy and Toto returned home realizing that there's no place like home.

We are at times like DOROTHY, wishing to find happiness and believing we can have it elsewhere, and thinking that we can find joy by having some things that we don't have at the moment and leaving behind what we have.

"It's pretty hard to tell what does bring happiness.  Poverty and wealth have both failed." (Frank McKinney "Kin" Hubbard)

Sail upstream like the carp fish swimming up against the waterfalls...

The FISH...

"Happiness is a form of courage." (Holbrook Jackson)

I can still remember what my grandfather once told me about a fish most admired in Japan. I felt so down, so unhappy because of the pressures of being a teenager, and seeing him sick and bedridden was so difficult. One thing I remember most about my grandfather is that he was always so sensitive to how I felt. He always knew how I truly felt and always had the right things to say to make me feel better. Seeing me feeling down might have caused him to talk about the carp fish. According to him, the carp fish is considered as courageous and determined fish in Japan because it swims upstream, even against the flow of waterfalls. Because of their reverence to the fish, they even celebrate Children's Day in Japan every year on the 5th. day of May, by tying carp- shaped wind socks to their homes as a way to wish their children HAPPINESS.

In our own quest for happiness, we cannot achieve what we are looking for if we don’t have enough courage and determination to go against the waves of life and without the heart to just sail with the winds to find our own rainbows. Whenever you feel sad, go on and cry as much as you like. In reality, life’s like that, no one has ever had constant feelings of happiness. But don’t let it take you away. Don’t cry and feel sorry all your life, stay courageous and determined.

Happiness is in the small things that come to us unknowingly everyday... We may have long found our rainbows but never realized it at all.

... true HAPPINESS and finding our own RAINBOWS

 In this life, we can’t deny the fact that true happiness does not linger constantly. Although much has been heard and read about how to be happy and what happiness is all about, we sometimes suffer the blues, or even depressions brought about by the hassles and bustles in our day to day existence. And like Dorothy, we sometimes wish that we could just go away find our own rainbows and eventually be happy. We often lose hope, letting go of our own courage and determination.

"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open." (John Barrymore)

We dream of a land that is hassle free… yet in the real world, nothing is hassle free. It is just that we fail to realize sometimes that only after the storms can we find rainbows and beyond the clouds are blue skies waiting to show up. Troubles don’t really melt like lemon drops, but who cares? We have God to help us to be sturdy enough and face whatever life may give us. We wish that clouds may be far behind us, but it would be better if we ask Him to stay with us and keep us strong as we rage the storms of life. We may envy the birds for their ability to fly yet we could have known that we’ve been flying without wings because of His love and the love of the people who truly cares for us. We complain of a boring life, yet we forget that the things we do and care for everyday are the things we live for. We are at times irritated with the people around us, never realizing that they are actually our reasons for holding on. They are the ones who stay with us through the good and the bad. We often forget the people who always pat our shoulders to inspire us whenever we feel down. As always, life is not a fairy tale, but dreams turn into reality as long as we keep believing and doing things with God’s never ending mercy, with the knowledge that we can never be alone because He has blessed us with a family, friends and even strangers who can teach us lessons in life that no book could ever teach.

In a gist, we can always be happy as long as we realize how to appreciate and look at the brighter side of life, with the heart that knows who holds our future despite our day to day uncertainties. Like Dorothy, we should realize that everyone has the power to overcome their own obstacles, and sometimes, we need the help of other people to make us realize how tough we can get. The wizard did not really “gave” them what they wanted because they had it inside themselves all along; the Scarecrow had a brain, he just needed to be given a chance to use it; the Tin Man had a heart, he just needed someone to care for; the Lion had courage, he just needed a true opportunity to be courageous; and of course, Dorothy, according to Glinda, had the power to go home all along with the use of the silver shoes which was given to her even at the very beginning of her journey. And they would have not done all these if they were not courageous and determined.

Aside from that, the adage popularized by “The Wizard of Oz” which says, “There’s no place like home,” is true. Sometimes, we fail to be happy because we don’t often realize the true value of the people who are always with us. Like Dorothy, we sometimes want a place elsewhere thinking that we could be happier and have a better life only to realize how much we want to go home and how happy we could get when we get back to where our real happiness is- OUR HOME.

At the end of the day, we could realize that our quest for happiness has taken us away from it, because we failed to keep in mind that true happiness is the appreciation of what we have and the security of knowing that although we are not perfect, some people truly love and care for us. Happiness is in the presence, the hugs and loving gestures of our family, the encouragement of our real friends and the life we live everyday with these people who loves us unconditionally. These are the cause of our joys, and the things that we should always keep in mind whenever we face the stormiest days of our life… these are the things that somehow keep us HAPPY.

"I often wished for a "better" life... and then I woke up one day realizing how blessed my life is... At that moment, I knew deep in my heart, that I could never wish for a better life again. Because life has always been so good to me... what could be better than that?" (DjBryle Works, "Dancing With HAPPINESS AND STORMS")



Photo credits: Robert Bell/; Graur Razvan Ionut/; Luigi Diamanti/; Graor Codrin/

Make ways to be happy... find happiness as you take your journey with life.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Fixing A Broken Heart ( After The Loving...)

I just can’t help but feel some pity for someone I saw on the news days ago. He killed himself for having some troubles with his girlfriend. A friend who was watching with me at that time laughed and said that he’s crazy, for how could he kill himself just for having a broken heart? 

Some people may react different ways about the idea of having a broken heart because of failed relationships. At most, especially if you are not the one suffering from it, you may think that the broken hearted’s feelings will just go away in just a click. Some people may feel so depressed and may even result to self-directed hatred and worst of all, suicide.
In reality, no matter how we react to it, having a broken heart can be devastating. It can rob you off your self worth and you could find yourself struggling so hard that you may fail to live normally like you used to. 

Let’s face the fact that a failed relationship wherein we have to lose someone is like dealing with death and dying. Not every one of us is equipped with so much ability to adjust and bounce back like nothing had happened. Aside from that, as long as we keep a relationship, we invest on our emotions and time for the one we love. We sacrifice many things just to be with him or even cope with his expectations and demands just to find ourselves in the middle of nowhere when the relationship dies.

Truly, broken hearts can also mean broken dreams and broken promises. As soon as we lose the one we love, we have to face life without him. Here are a few ways to mend a broken heart and somehow ease the pain.

  •  On the first day after the break up and within a week:
1. Cry as much as you need to. You may refrain from doing the routine that you do everyday. Take some time off from work or school. Do what you like at home or anywhere that you feel like going. If you feel like sleeping all day, do it. Indulge with your comfort food while you cry and sob as much as you need to.

2. Call a trusted friend to talk to. Talk all about your hurts and how you feel. Pour out all the emotions that are inside you. You can ask your friend to be with you to watch some movie, or watch a marathon of any TV series that enables you to keep off your mind from thinking too much. You can choose from comedy, to movies that may make you cry. Surprising as it may seem, but watching some sad movies during a hard time may also help in the healing process. 

3. Accept the reality that a relationship that you thought would last did not work out. And appreciate the fact that although you are now heart broken, for once in your life, you fell in love. It does not necessarily mean that once you have accepted this fact, you are healed from a broken heart. Acknowledge how the pain is hurting you so bad at the moment.

4. Pray as much as you need to and as long as you feel like doing it. No matter where you are, if you feel the urge to pray, pray from the heart. Cry out loud in prayer that you can make it through the grieving process.

  • After a week:
1. Make sure that on this day, you have acknowledged the fact that you have lost someone that you hold dear in your heart. Start and try to socialize again even if you don’t feel like doing it at this moment. Make sure that you don’t cry as often as the days after the break up. 

2. Express how you feel through your journal or as always, talk to a trusted friend or love one.

3. Go out of town to change your environment. This will minimize you from missing your ex. Staying on the same place and having a chance to pass by a place where you both used to spend time together may cause you to miss him even more. Your working place or school may also be one of the places where you think of him all the more for it is where he fetches you or where you meet everyday.

4. Listen to relaxing music or even to love songs. Some may make you cry but after that, you may feel better.

5. Do a hobby that you have been longing to spend more time on.

6. Call your ex if you feel like calling him, but if fighting with him is a possibility, DON’T CALL AT ALL. If you need to tell him some things but are not sure if it will only cause a fight, try writing it on your journal or compose a letter for him but NEVER mail it. The most vital thing at this moment is that you can bring out all your feelings and say all sorts of hurtful words that you long to say whether he will know them or not.

7. Remove everything that he has given you like love letters or any keepsakes from your sight. You can throw or burn them or just give away the keepsakes. However, if you don’t feel like doing this, just keep them away from your sight so that you will not be tempted to look at them over and over again and you won’t be reminded of your ex often.

  • …. And onwards:
1. You can always do what you have done in the past week, but make sure not to attempt to call your ex anymore no matter what.

2. Never stop surrounding your self with people and friends that emphasize the positive in your life.

3. Start pampering your self, exercise, and start a balanced diet. This will not only boost the production of your feel-good hormones which are helpful in keeping the blues away, but it will also make you look better as you reach your ideal weight. On the other hand, a balanced diet will also help you have better-looking skin and a better mood.

4. Take time to relax. Do a beauty makeover if you wish. The internet is packed up on DIY for self care that can be easily done at home.

5. Start going on a date when you feel like it.

6. Socialize in a positive way – never drink alcohol or use drugs to “forget”. At this time of quarantine, socialize via the social media. Keep in mind to edit the settings so that your news feed will just be from people who give positive vibes in your life.

7. Surround yourself with people who help you to forget your ex and keep away from people who give you false hope about winning your ex back.

8. Learn ways to keep yourself from remembering your ex. Every time he/ she enters your mind, divert your thoughts to other things.

Always remember that people change. And if some people suddenly realize that you no longer serve the purpose you once had in their life, it does not mean that you are a lesser person. It just means that people change, people grow... and you will do the same. Someday, you will realize that the broken heart you have right now have made you a better person. Someday, God will bless you with someone who can love you forever, HE will bless you at HIS MOST PERFECT PLACE AND TIME... and you will just laugh at your self for crying like a baby in the past. But while you wait, BE STRONG and LOVE YOUR SELF... KNOW THAT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT, AND YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY AGAIN.

Let a broken heart bring out the best you got... 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Of Broken Hearts and Solitude

Lately, we have all been reading sad posts on social media, talking about self-pity, feelings of being unloved and being alone even in the presence of the people who should be there to love them. Lately, all we hear from the news are human sufferings, hatred, and fears. Sometimes.. if not often times, we are all so overwhelmed with what is happening to our world and even in our own life. It is a sad world… it is a sad reality that some even try to end their life because of all this chaos happening around us.

Almost all my life, I am amazed at how most of my friends, even acquaintances, would suddenly open up to me about their own loneliness and hang-ups. I am flattered, but at the same time, I feel like I am feeling how they feel and I always wish that I could do something about their sufferings. I remember the days when I was so young… always wishing that I could be a fairy who could just use a wand to make others happy. And despite that, I am one of the many people who could cast deep sadness and even heartbreaking loneliness to people around me.

There is always a shadow of uncertainty even in our own triumphant times… there is always something that is missing in our deepest soul no matter how much we try to appreciate what we have. There is a time when we feel that we could not turn to anyone at all… we feel alone, and suddenly, the world around us seems to have turned upside down and we are left groping in the dark. I remember a line that said that “the loneliest emotion that could ever happen to someone is feeling alone in the company of the people who are supposed to love them.” And it is true, whether we admit it or not, there will always be a time when we are craving to cry out loud but no one will ever listen. There are times when we just need someone there to listen without judgment, and even without trying to understand… these are the moments when we just want to be comforted with a hug or a pat on the shoulder, just because no words nor any kind of understanding can comfort us, only to feel so much more alone because no one will be there to do these things for us.

You may be wondering why I write all these… all about being broken and being lonely. In this time of chaos, in the midst of Covid19, we can not deny the fact that we feel all these. We are anxious, we are scared.. and to top it all up, we have our own struggles that at times, no single soul can understand. I am writing this to let a lonely soul know, that he is NOT ALONE. The world is just too overwhelmed. Yes, we are all overwhelmed at what is happening around us that we often forget to let others feel our presence. We are all feeling alone at times because we are all too busy coping with our own struggles. We always feel incomplete but we should rest with the fact that we are not the only ones feeling that way and it would help a lot not to rely on others to be a shoulder to lean on because they are also struggling like we do and we have myriad coping styles.

Sometimes, we need to realize that even our toughest friend who is always able to lend us a hand each time we fall, also needs comfort and loving gestures. Sometimes, we have to be aware that the listening ear to us, also needs someone to listen, and the arms that comfort us also needs the same comforting.

In this most trying times, it is a courageous act to choose to go on with life. It is the time to realize that we should start relying on ourselves and start loving what and who we are because there will always be times when we will have no one but ourselves to comfort us. And as we do that, we should be comforted by the fact that there is that invincible loving arms who listen to us especially when no single man would. We have an omnipotent God who can give us all, and we should stop expecting things from other people because HE never fails to help the ones who help themselves. Whenever we need a place to rest, we should go running in HIS loving embrace, pick our broken pieces, and brave life once again. Keep crying as much as we could, but we should choose life after all.

This life is truly tough but hush your heart, rest your spirit because God has made us tougher than life. We just need to realize how beautifully we are made with a creative mind and a courageous heart. Stop expecting others to love and listen to you. Start listening to HIM, start feeling His presence in your life. There is no guarantee that you will be happy, but there is a guarantee of security and love, and that someday, you will find joy and happiness in your heart. 

We are all warriors trying to cope with life.  May you enjoy this video and may you be courageous to learn to love your self enough... ALWAYS.

Monday, June 1, 2020

A Letter To My DEAREST EX- BOYFRIEND: Thank You!


I don’t know why I am writing this right now. Maybe I am just nostalgic of how we used to be. I didn’t know that I had to do this nor even planned of doing it. Yet I did, because you are a part of me, you have a space in my heart that no one else could ever replace.

I am missing you today… I miss holding your hands under the rain and the days we had under the sun. It was all fun, and every day was something to celebrate when you are around no matter what life has brought.

Thank you so much for having been here in my life. I never really wished that you’d stay forever, but I am thankful that you have some part of your life spent with me. The moments we shared are priceless and I cherish them in my heart, I know I will FOREVER.

I want to grab this chance to let you read this imperfect piece of poetry that I composed for you a long time ago…




Through the roads of life…

I will walk with you…

Laugh and cry with you…

Rise and fall with you…

I will hold your hand…

Through the valleys of laughters and tears…

Through the barricades of endless trials…

Through victories and failures…

Through all that life may bring…

I will stay with you…

On sunny and rainy days…

On torn and unmet goals…

Through your foibles and strength…

On rough and fine or golden roads…

I’ll grow with you…

Under blue skies and gray clouds…

I’ll stand by you…

When the world has gone out…

I will love you…

Throughout the roads of life…

Even after my time is through.


Do you remember this poem?....

I know most of our friends will find this piece of poetry very familiar. It’s because we lovingly printed it for our wedding invitation. Hey! I got you there! I think you’d be surprised to read this from me. Thanks for being my ex- boyfriend… and FOR BEING MY HUSBAND, who brings out not only the best of me but the best of my life too!

I never really wished to have you in my life forever… although I know that nothing will ever be the same without you. And now, I thank you so much for deciding to love me always despite my flaws, for making me feel really gorgeous and graceful even in the worst of times and for making me realize that I am somehow a wonderful being. You are and will always be my BEST FRIEND! Thanks for being the husband that every woman would wish to have!

Thanks for loving me always although you have the choice to do otherwise. Thanks for EVERYTHING THAT YOU ARE. I won't miss holding your hands again... nor will I miss the old days. Because I can always hold you and spend each new day with you FOREVER! I thank God everyday for blessing me with a husband who is much more than I ever wished for! I LOVE YOU!


YOUR LOVING WIFE ( your ex- girlfriend)


Gotcha! =) - Lovingly dedicated to my ever so wonderful HUSBAND, my ex boyfriend! ;)

Happy marrying month of June, everyone! Despite the Covid19 scare, let us celebrate the blessing of a true love in our own little ways! *** edited for the season


I chose to LOVE YOU FOREVER because underneath that beautiful body and heart is where I found my HOME.... where all my thoughts go hiding, and I just can be ME. Enjoy this song!

Video credits to ania100392 at

Copyright by DjBryle Works, 2010
First image, courtesy of Maggie Smith/
(Title inspired by my friend Bubbles Ganuelas- Ong)